WIO McDonald Lake Nano Boulder 2kg
Add unique and colorful riverbed impressions to your aquarium or terrarium with the McDonald Lake Nano Boulders. These rare and beautiful stones come in shades of dark red, maroon, green, blue, and black, and are perfect for adding visual interest to any aquascape.

The McDonald Lake Nano Boulders are a stunning addition to any aquarium or terrarium. These rare and unique stones come in shades of dark red, maroon, green, blue, and black, adding a beautiful and colorful touch to your aquascape. The stones are named after the Glacier National Park's biggest lake in Montana, USA.

The colors of the McDonald Lake Nano Boulders come from the iron content in sedimentary pebble rocks and the degree of their oxidation. These rocks were formed over millions of years under different conditions, resulting in the stunning colors seen today. During the Ice Age, giant ice blocks ground the lake rocks into small colored pebbles, which were then brought into the valley by streams of meltwater.

The McDonald Lake Nano Boulders are perfect for creating a unique and colorful riverbed impression in your aquarium or terrarium. They are available in sizes under 10 cms and can be complemented with larger McDonald Lake Boulders. Some boulders may raise pH and hardness slightly, but regular water changes can keep the hardness under control.

Key Points

Rare and unique colorful Nano Boulders
Colors range from dark red to maroon, and from green to blue and black
Adds a unique riverbed impression to any aquascape
Available in Nano Boulder and Gravel formats

Type: Natural mix stones from different origins
Color: Dark red, maroon, green, blue, and black
Texture: Smooth with natural color gradients
Sizes: Mix sizes under 10 cms
Water Hardness: Some boulders may raise pH and hardness slightly
Packaging: Available in bags of 2 kg with mix sizes

It can be used in both aquatic and terrarium environments.
Rinse rocks and stones with water before use. Use a brush to clean it before introducing the stones in the aquarium.
Avoid placing rocks directly on the glass as they can be very heavy and sharp. Instead, place substrate or our LandForms before placing the hardscape to help fix the exact stone position with more freedom.
Always secure the stones, especially when placing one rock on top of another, you can do so with our ScapeBound, as the top rock may move or fall during regular maintenance, harming your dwellers or even breaking the aquarium.
Position stones a few centimeters/inches away from aquarium glass walls to facilitate maintenance.
Control any alterations in pH and kH by regular water changes with osmotic or soft water, or by using a water softener if necessary.
Safe for fish, shrimps, and other aquatic animals
£13.99 inc. tax
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2.0 kg
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